Verse of the week: Judges 6:11-16

Last week, we discussed how God has given us gifts, and called us to use them. But sometimes, we minimize our gifts, or don’t even see them to begin with.

There’s actually a great Biblical example of this in Judges 6:11-16. Israel is being oppressed by the Midianites – it’s not a good situation – when God sends an angel to speak to a man named Gideon. The angel meets him and says, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior,” and tells him that he will go on to save Israel. Gideon replies to this statement almost sarcastically, saying, “Pardon me, my Lord but how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family.”

Gideon views himself as very small, and regards himself as the smallest of the small. He doesn’t believe he can go ahead and do what God has called him to. Despite Gideon’s doubt, the Lord responds confidently, “I will be with you.” And guess what? Gideon succeeded.

Here's the application – God sees potential in us that we don’t see in ourselves. Even if we feel as small as Gideon, He can do big things in us. He doesn’t wait until we’re ready, He sends us even when we doubt. We just need to say yes, even when it’s difficult. Sometimes we need to be courageous before we build the momentum that comes from realizing our potential.

The good news is that God spoke potential over our lives knowing our own limitations because He knows that with His strength, we can do anything. He will give us opportunities to fulfill our potential and with His help, multiply it. Here’s how:

1.      God multiplies our potential through His voice.

Gideon is in a place of fear and hiding when God shows up to speak to him. He isn’t acting likely a mighty warrior, but that’s how God chooses to first address him. That’s because God speaks to what’s possible in his future, not his present.

Let’s look at the facts. Gideon is radically underqualified to lead Israel and defeat the Midianites. He is the weakest member of a weak house, and he doesn’t believe in himself. However, thankfully we know that it’s God, not Gideon, who is responsible for shaping his heart and turning him into this mighty warrior. Gideon on his own is weak, but God gives Him strength to meet his potential.

God uses His voice in Gideon’s life by speaking to him like that potential is already realized, and He does the same in our lives. We just need to listen.

2.      God multiplies our potential through the voice of others.

The Bible is full of verses that speak to the power of our tongues. Ephesians 4:29 is our example for this message. It says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

This verse can actually be read as a commandment to use our voice to call out the potential in others. God has given us the power to encourage and to build others up! Conversely, if we partake in ‘unwholesome talk,’ it can have the opposite result.

Building others up doesn’t mean ignoring the mess. Even the most broken people can have potential called out in them, and it’s our job to see those people, and not overlook them just because of what they’ve done. That’s not to say we ignore blatant issues and become simple cheerleaders. We need to confront sin with God’s truths, and from a place of trust, challenge others as we would expect ourselves to be challenged by God. Who is God putting on your heart to build up?

God speaks potential over us, both directly through His voice and His word, and indirectly through others in our life. This week, consider the potential God has given you, and what you’re doing to nurture that gift. If you find yourself in a place where you can’t see your potential right now, or don’t think you’re qualified, just take a moment to listen. Remember, God used the weakest of the weakest, and He can use you too.

Make sure to check out the full message below!


